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The Cape Cod Salties was founded in 1959 by commercial striped bass fishermen concerned about access to the shoreline fishery in Chatham, particularly Monomoy and Morris Islands. Many of the members of the club at this time fished Pleasant Bay and the High Bank areas. These were the days of plentiful bass, and these fishermen were interested in promoting their interests. Multiple catches of 30-, 40-, and even 50+ pound fish from the beach at night were the norm for many of these hardy fishermen. Some of our members continue this tradition today. The Shaeffer Brewing Company supported a competitive derby involving cash and prizes. Salties vied for these prizes in competition with other fishing clubs.

In 1975 the club branched out to encompass recreational fishermen as well as those with commercial interests. This change was made in part to provide a broader membership base with more commercial and political clout in advocating for the interests of fishermen. The club established an annual striped bass and bluefish derby for members with cash prizes for those over 16 years of age and trophies for those under 16 years.